Firstly, you've to add several php modules in php.ini file
Uncomment ;ext=php_fileinfo.dll file first where the dependicies to install asgardcms is needed to use that file on windows where PHP in MAC already enabled it.
Now Create a new mysql database to use Asgard CMS.
Now you can create a new asgard cms project by typing
composer create-project asgardcms/platform your-project-name
and then
php artisan asgard:install
to create a new asgard cms project.
Uncomment ;ext=php_fileinfo.dll file first where the dependicies to install asgardcms is needed to use that file on windows where PHP in MAC already enabled it.
Now Create a new mysql database to use Asgard CMS.
Now you can create a new asgard cms project by typing
composer create-project asgardcms/platform your-project-name
and then
php artisan asgard:install
to create a new asgard cms project.
When it comes to installing Asgard CMS on a server, it can be easy on some. On some providers, you only have use a single composer command to install Asgard (example: ), while on others you have to install different packages and modules first to install Asgard CMS.